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Hi there, my name is Emma and I currently work at Unite Us as a UX designer. Curious about career transition, design background, or anything else? Contact me or check out my story and resume below.


As a former professional ballerina, I create and communicate in limitless ways, and I approach UX design with the same mindset. I have curiosity that branches in many directions which makes me creative, understanding, and humble.
I currently work at Unite Us, a company focused on bridging the gap between health care and social care. When I’m not designing, you’ll probably find me walking in the woods, perfecting a new recipe, or choreographing my next dance film.


I became interested in UX Design because I was seeking something creative, that impacted people’s lives in a positive way. What I found was that and more, I enjoy figuring out users and the problems they face. UX design allows me to discover the what and the why, while at the same time, obsessing over the tiny details. The balance between creates the results.


I really care. I dedicated over 10 years to my first career, so I mean it when I say, I only engage in things because I care about them.
I can collaborate. In the world of dance and choreography, I interpret not only the verbal explanations but also the nonverbal and inexplicit communication that is so important when working in a team.

I focus on the person. As a choreographer, I directed films, working with large groups of people from different fields and navigated a team. People need to be seen and understood in order for them to engage fully. As a researcher, I know just how important understanding the user is.

I enjoy the process. I love getting deep into the process of design, and finding what works and what doesn’t. I’m not afraid to try something new, or find a different angle to approach a problem.